Calligraphy Review – Fall 1990 – Focus: Germany – Volume Eight – Number One
This edition includes:
- Focus / Reviews from East and West Germany: A celebration of the diverse achievements and talents of accomplished German artists and enterprising, earnest students.
- Profile / Imre Reiner
- Lettering in Leipzig: “The Leipzig School considers writing and drawing letterforms not an anacronism, but an important part of education they certainly don’t want to do without.”
- Viewpoint / Marks: A Universal Grammar?: “Art happens. Art is an activity.”
- The art of Imre Reiner
(cover art)
“Uber die Kalligrafie in der Deutschen Demokratischen Rpublik mit arbeiten von Axel Bertgram Carlfriedrich Claus Gunter Gnauck Heinz Hllmis Irmgard Horlbeck-Kappler Gunter Junge Albert Kapr Hidegard Korger Anmdreas Radon Heinz Schumann Renate Tost Paull Zimmermann Herausgegeben und mit einter Enleitung versehen von Alber Kapr
– Dri Kritiken von Arne Wolf